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Damiana Brands


Damiana: Information

Damiana (DAME-ee-ana; also, DOM-ee-ana) is a medicinal plant native to Central and South America, The primary traditional use of Damiana is the same as modern use; to support libido and sexual function.

Damiana's Health Benefits

Damiana is often mis-categorized as an herb strictly for women, and is in many women’s libido formulas and very few men's libido formulas. However men should know that the effects of Damiana are not gender-specific and many men get great results from Damiana also.

Using Damiana Supplements

Damiana is used by itself and in combination with other herbs and nutrients that support libido such as horny goat weed, ginseng and maca. As is the case with most products affecting libido and sexual function, results vary greatly from person to person.

Side-effects and Cautions

Use Damiana with caution if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia. Do not use of pregnant or nursing.