By: MrMarky on 2/26/2024
Good flavor, good product.
So I just bought this, I can't comment on the results just yet. It mixes well with water, didn't even need to really stir it. Tastes good enough to drink by itself with no help. Sort of tastes like those sugar free water flavoring packs, and has similar consistency.
I thought it was gonna be a cheap thing like a drink mix pack, but it's got natural cherry flavor actually, so it says.
When I drink beet juice it usually gives me energy immediately, and I'm hoping this will too, I will get back and let you know!
By: RealDeal23 on 10/10/2023
Boosts NO2
Definitely boosts NO2 and cardiovascular performance. Love it.
By: Cincy1 on 4/12/2022
Lower blood pressure
Drinking 2 bottle of water with one scoop has help with meds to get my blood pressure from 150/100 down to 130/90 on an avg.. but now having kidney stones which they say beets can cause kidney stones. Flavor is good compared to other beet mix I have tried. Doesnt taste like dirt. Good product, I like the taste. And seems to help with blood pressure.