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Butcher's Broom Brands

Butcher's Broom

Butcher’s Broom: Information

Butcher's Broom is an herb in the lily family and related to common asparagus. Butcher's Broom is generally used to improve circulation and expel excess water from the body. It is thought that Butcher's Broom tones veins and strengthen the capillaries as well as lymphatic vessels.

Health Benefits of Butcher’s Broom

Studies have validated the efficacy of Butcher's Broom for a variety of conditions such as chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.1,2

Using Butcher's Broom

Use as directed.

Side-effects and Cautions:

Nausea can occur in rare cases. Butcher's Broom is not recommended for those with high blood pressure.

1. Altern Med Rev. 2001 Apr;6(2):126-40.
2. Drugs Exp Clin Res. 1988;14(4):277-83.