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Alacer Corp is the world leader in Vitamin C technology, producing more Vitamin C innovations than any other company.

About Alacer Corp

Alacer Corp, based in Foothill Ranch, CA, develops, manufactures and markets vitamin supplements. Alacer is a world leader in vitamin C innovations. The company develops Vitamin C products in the form of mineral ascorbates, the “real Vitamin C,” which when compared to traditional Vitamin C products have increased health benefits and no adverse side effects.

Alacer Corp Company History

Jay Patrick, founder, president & CEO of Alacer first became interested in Vitamin C over 30 years ago. At age 58, Patrick began researching mineral ascorbates and using them in various supplements. In 1972, Alacer Corp was established to begin developing Vitamin C products focusing on the “real Vitamin C,” mineral ascorbates.

The True Vitamin C from Alacer

Mineral ascorbates, the true Vitamin C, are produced naturally in the livers of 99.9% of all animals, but not in humans. Vitamin C, in the form of mineral ascorbates, has countless advantages over pure ascorbic acid. Mineral ascorbates are neutral (non-acidic) and have no adverse side effects, unlike high levels of ascorbic acid which may cause heartburn, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, and excess urination, inducing loss of minerals. Most health seekers are unaware that ascorbic acid is only an intermediate form of Vitamin C. What they really need are seven fully reacted mineral ascorbates found only in Alacer Corp products.

Since its introduction in 1978, Alacer’s Emer'gen-C effervescent drink mix has become the largest selling Vitamin C in the health food industry. High in Potassium, Emer'gen-C provides a powerful antioxidant to the 70 trillion cells in the body along with a full complement of B Vitamins and 32 mineral complexes that replenish valuable electrolytes. Emer'gen-C is now available in 15 delicious flavors including our newest additions, Emer'gen-C Super Orange and Emergen-C Jr Strawberry.

We have a Low-Price Guarantee on all Alacer Corp Products.