By: PatCan on 12/22/2015
Honey Gardens raw honey
excellent! wouldnt sue anything else!
By: Honeylover on 10/31/2014
Best honey for me
I am eating this honey for an year and now ordering more. Allstarthealth price is the best for this honey. The taste is wonderful. And raw honey is the best.
By: Faithy on 3/01/2014
Great wtih tea and
I have this on my desk to add to tea as well. it's also a great honey to make soothing drinks with lemon. Excellent product.
By: tchuASH on 3/19/2013
Great with Tea
I am constantly drinking tea through my typical work day at ASH. I find some honey way to overpowering of the delicate tea flavor of my white teas, however I prefer honey to sugar. The Orange Blossom honey is absolutely perfect. It has a list floral flavor and sweetens my tea just enough. I just purchased this product and know I will need to repurchase soon! I can't wait to try this in other recipes besides in my tea.