By: ladolcevita8 on 9/21/2020
Now Vegetarian/Vegan Glucosamine
This formula / potency 1 - 2 caps on empty stomach in a.m. at least 1 hour before food, has definitely reduced to eliminated certain pain twinges in my L and R hip joints flexion/bending, If, as during past few months, this product is out-of-stock, those twinges do return. My partner notices the same in the joints of his hands. When we resume taking the veg glucosamine, our twinges, aches go away, True. Thank you, Now, for this veg/vegan formula; and thank you AllStarHealth, for carrying it !
By: PeterLarsFenton on 8/09/2015
glucosamine 1000 60 caps and Psyllium husks 500 mgs
Please see my comments about Now Psyllium hhusk and your services etc