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Wool Flannel Description from Home Health
At Home Health, years of research have gone into creating truly effective personal care products based on traditional, natural ingredients. You can rely on Home Health to deliver the natural health products your family deserves.

100% White Wool Flannel, Heavy Quality, Unbleached.

Manufacturer's Directions
Directions for preparation and use for Castor Oil Packs: Fold the Wool Flannel to a size large enough to cover the body area involved. Pour Castor oil into the flannel until the flannel is saturated by not dripping. Apply saturated cloth to the desired body area.

Cover the saturated flannel cloth with a piece of plastic sheeting (ordinary kitchen plastic wrap works fine). A heating pad may now be applied on top of the plastic. Begin with a medium setting on the heating pad, and then proceed to higher temperatures if comfortable for a total of 30 to 60 minutes.

Discard after approximately 20 uses or 2 months.

Manufacturer's Disclaimer
Do not apply to broken or irritated skin or areas affected by rashes. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if skin sensitivity occurs. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use on children or animals.