By: John70 on 9/12/2022
25 year user
I have used this for 25 years except for a period of years I was unemployed and could not afford it or anything. I didnt resume it until the allergies I suffer with resumed a couple of years later. I have been a severe hay fever sufferer my entire life. For my case, I need 4 tablets/day. My wife, who is not a allergy sufferer, takes 1/day to keep from having stuffiness in the spring and fall. When I started back after I had not taken it for several years in order to get it in my system, I took 7/day for a couple of months, then 6/day for a couple more months, then 5, 4, 3. When I got to 3, I had hay fever the following season so I went back to 4/day. That is my magic number. This stuff really works!
By: Gma65 on 3/09/2020
Alfalfa is Awesome!
My father always took ALFALFA tablets to relieve his arthritis pain as he advanced in age, and it helped, so I figured i would give it a try when I started having hip, back, knee and shoulder pain. It has definitely helped my joints. I don’t take ibuprofen because I read it causes cartilage damage. I also put it in my dog’s water to help him with his hip pain, which caused him to not be able to climb stairs and limp. It has been almost miraculous! Maybe it helps with inflammation. I just know IT WORKS FOR US!