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Calendula Brands


Calendula Supplements: Information

Calendula is a flowering plant in the Marigold family. Extracts of Calendula flowers are used in topical preparations for soothing minor skin irritation, rashes, chafing, and chapping.

Calendula's Health Benefits

Extracts of Calendula flowers are used in topical preparations for soothing minor skin irritation, rashes, chafing, and chapping.

Using Calendula Supplements

Use as directed.

Side-effects and Cautions:

Calendula products are very safe when used as directed and side-effects are very uncommon. If you do develop an adverse reaction to a Calendula product, discontinue use as consult a doctor.

Calendula is best suited for minor skin irritation only. If you have a severe skin problem, or if the problem does not respond to Calendula you should seek the advice of a doctor. Many skin problems can be difficult to diagnose and treat, and can become harder to treat over time if left unresolved.