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Bromelain's Health Benefits

Research shows that bromelain may help reduce inflammation and promote healing from surgeries1, wounds, burns, and infections2. In addition, bromelain may be beneficial to those suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.3 Bromelain is also used with quercetin to help relieve nasal congestion associated with colds or allergies.4

Like other proteolytic enzymes, bromelain also aids digestion, especially in combination with amylase (an enzyme that helps digest starchy carbohydrates) and lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fat).

Using Bromelain

Dosage varies depending upon reason for taking bromelain.
General recommended dose: 80-320mg, 2-3 times daily. Bromelain is available in tablet, capsule, and topical form for burns.

As a digestive aid: 500mg daily divided into smaller doses and taken with meals.
Traumatic injuries: 500mg 4 times daily on an empty stomach.
Joint Inflammation: 500-2000mg daily in two divided doses.

Side-effects and Cautions:

The use of bromelain by children or pregnant/nursing women has not been proven safe, and therefore this supplement should not be used by these individuals. Those with pineapple allergies should not take bromelain. Bromelain interacts with antibiotics, blood-thinners and aspirin.

1. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006 Dec;118(7):1640-4.
2. Altern Med Rev. 2003 Nov;8(4):359-77.
3. Phytomedicine. 2002 Dec;9(8):681-6.
4. Altern Med Rev. 2000 Oct;5(5):448-54.