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Zone Perfect

ZONE PERFECT Look, think and feel better in the Zone.

AllStarHealth Staff:
Zone Perfect Products were made to be great-tasting, easier alternatives for those adhering to the Zone Diet. The Zone Diet became famous because a lot of Hollywood Stars were avid fans: Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore, Sarah Jessice Parker and Jennifer Aniston to name a few.

The Zone Diet Simplified
The Zone diet involves cutting out most carbohydrates such as breakfast cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, noodles, bread, crisps, pastries, pies, chocolate, sweets, sugar and preserves, as these have the greatest effect on blood sugar levels and therefore insulin levels. Most fruit and vegetables, however, are allowed. Low-fat protein-rich foods such as skinless chicken, turkey and fish should be eaten with every meal. Eat fewer foods that contain saturated fats and choosing foods that are rich in monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.

A Word from Zone Perfect:
"We understand that people don't always have the time to prepare a home-cooked meal from scratch," said Tobe Cohen, marketing director of Zone Perfect at Ross. "When people are crunched for time, healthy food choices are often offset by empty-calorie meals and snacks. Zone Perfect makes eating healthy easy by providing all-natural, great tasting and nutritious, portable options for on-the-go lifestyle."

AllStarHealth has a Low-price Guarantee on all Zone Perfect Products! Try them yourself.