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Hoodia Gordonii Brands

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia gordonii: Information

Hoodia gordonii is a bitter-tasting cactus-like plant known as a "succulent" native to the Kalahari Desert of Africa. The Bushmen of the ancient San tribe have used Hoodia for centuries to ward off hunger and thirst during long desert treks. Modern Hoodia supplements are used as appetite suppressant weight-loss aids.

Hoodia has been shown to significantly reduce appetite and thirst for several hours at a time. Researchers have isolated a compound in Hoodia they dubbed P57. P57 is thought to induce a sense of fullness in the brain, even if the subject has eaten nothing. Hoodia gordonii has no stimulating effect.

Hoodia's Health Benefits

Animal studies using rats have shown a significant decrease in calorie consumption when using hoodia. Additionally, one large study conducted on morbidly obese humans saw an average daily calorie reduction of about 1,000 calories by the 15th day. Hoodia gordonii was first released into the US market in early 2004, and there is much more research to be done before the mechanisms of hoodia gordonii are fully understood. Therefore, consumers should use caution in selecting a quality hoodia supplement made by reputable supplement manufacturers.

Using Hoodia

Hoodia is best-suited for individuals who overeat. Use as directed by manufacturer. Consult your physician before use of this or any other weight loss product.